Welding Services
Welding is a technique that dates back thousands of years. Naturally, ancient welders had no electricity and so had to use a lot of elbow grease, but the basic principles remain the same. Two pieces of metal are heated and then joined together.
Up until the Industrial Revolution, this was a laborious process where the hot metal was hammered together by hand. Today we use flux to make the process of joining the sheets a lot easier.
Why Choose Welded Joints?
Welding, when done correctly, creates a permanent bond. It is sturdy and will not break in a hurry. It is best used in those situations where high pressure or high temperatures make standard joining techniques impractical. The only way to break the bond is to cut through it.

Greater Efficiency
Riveted joints are an alternative, but are not as efficient. Welded joints create a much better seal.
More Economical
It’s also a more economical way to join metal. It uses fewer materials and requires less labor.
Welding is a technique that dates back thousands of years. Naturally, ancient welders had no electricity and so had to use a lot of elbow grease, but the basic principles remain the same. Two pieces of metal are heated and then joined together.
Up until the Industrial Revolution, this was a laborious process where the hot metal was hammered together by hand. Today we use flux to make the process of joining the sheets a lot easier.
Why Choose Welded Joints?
Welding, when done correctly, creates a permanent bond. It is sturdy and will not break in a hurry. It is best used in those situations where high pressure or high temperatures make standard joining techniques impractical. The only way to break the bond is to cut through it.
Greater Efficiency
Riveted joints are an alternative, but are not as efficient. Welded joints create a much better seal.
More Economical
It’s also a more economical way to join metal. It uses fewer materials and requires less labor.

Works Well Where Rigid Joints are Required
Rigid joints are much more durable. Welding ensures that joints under a lot of pressure can withstand that pressure for a long time.
Less Noise-Pollution
This is not really something that you as a company need to be all that worried about. After all, everything will be done by us. That said, compared to riveting, welding is a lot quieter. Score one for the environment.
Clean Joins
When you compare welded joints to others, they are smoother, less bulky, and have cleaner lines. If you’re working in a space that clients are going to see, or in a small space, this becomes especially important.
Maintenance is a Breeze
With compression joints, you’ll need to retighten the joints from time to time. Rivets might also loosen over time, although they are far more durable than compression joints. With welding, there is no need to retighten at all. The join will last as long as the pipe itself.
Fabrication is Faster
Riveted joints have their place, but they are time-consuming to create. Welding is a lot faster, so it’s ideal for projects where time is a big factor.
Joints Weigh Less
With welding, there is no need to use filler plates, connecting angles, and so on. You also don’t have the additional weight of the rivets to deal with. This becomes important when it comes to structural weight.

It’s Simple to Add To
If you need to add an extension to a metal structure, welding allows you to do this quickly and easily.
No Holes Required
Unlike with other forms of joints, you are not creating holes in the metal to insert the joining screws, etc. This makes for higher structural integrity in the finished product.
Contact Us Today
At Stinson Industrial, we know how to create the perfect weld—even under tricky circumstances. Call us. We can work out which of our welding services best suit your needs.
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